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Comments from Frankston, Reed, and Friends

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

BobF at 6:42 PM [url]:

Live Blogging!

This is an experiment in trying to be more bloggish. I'm writing this at Dave Winer's blog discussion at the Harvard Law School. I normally try to write essays and do my best to edit them. This is more live but I don't have my tools for spell checking or time to do much proofreading.

One issue is the question of what should one blog -- how will you be judged in the future. This is really what I see as the key privacy issue. It's not about cameras in the bedroom as much as it is about being judged in contexts and times over which you have no control and without the benefit of your own context. If you blog you can't say you never inhaled.

It's rapidly becoming obvious how diverse the concept of the blog is. It's not just a publishing medium but we also have protocols like RSS which allow the blog itself to be a component in something else. RSS itself keeps evolving without any tight control adding richness to this mixture.

Apparently Dave seems to be afraid to have me talk to much so I'll write instead. One question is why the blog industry is dominated by a small number of tiny companies. What will happen if AOL decides to providing blogs for its users or if Microsoft has a blogging product. Will the industry continue to evolve as rapidly?

As I listen to the discussion it's obvious that I don't have a future as a stenographer (does anyone remember stenos?).

The discussion is going into too many ideas to really say much here except that I did note that there are Wikis as a different take on related ideas. I also see free floating data, what I call dataoids, as a complementary concept.

One issue that David doesn't want to discuss is the downside and, in particular, Harvard Law School that is currently debating the limits of free speech and the contents of students' email.

There was some discussions on political speech on blogs at schools. The real issue is the presumption that speech is limited and expensive and that's the rationale for many of the election laws. Blogs are just one part of removing the cost of speech and we have yet to explore the implications.

There was some discussion of the blogging community but that seems to be a contradiction -- how can we have a medium that is supposed to give everyone a voice and think about it as a small community. There is indeed a core community but such naval gazing misses the larger phenomena. There's a now a bloggie award??

The owner of Reinvented.net thinks no one links to him. I guess that's no longer true.

Monday, February 10, 2003

BobF at 10:26 PM [url]:


I've been in the process of rebuilding my system but one thing I noticed was that the fonts looked much uglier than I remembered. I'm using 1600x1200 LCDs and just turned ClearType back on and it made a big difference. It's under display-properties/appearance/effects. I didn't realize how much of a difference it made since I'd been using it so long but wasn't using large LCD displays when I started. When I got the displays the setting was just there so I didn't see how the system looked without ClearType. It's not the default so I suspect that few people even know about the setting on XP. With LCD displays becoming popular on the desk, I want to share my rediscovery. Dan wrote about ClearType when it first became available. I now appreciate its value.

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